Section 9.1 Global wind patterns
Subsection 9.1.1 Circulation scales
microscale (<1 km in size): PGF, CEN, friction (cumulus clouds, parcels)
mesoscale (1-1000 km): PGF, CEN, friction, Cor (thunderstorms, fronts)
synoptic scale (>1000 km): geostrophic balance (mid-latitude cyclones)
planetary scale (10,000 km): geostrophic balance (atmospheric circulation cells; prevail over longer timescales)
Subsection 9.1.2 Circulation models
model: simplified description of a complex system
used to explain and predict observations using cause-and-effect relationships
Any circulation model for the Earth should be able to explain:
steady and calm winds observed by mariners
Regions that lack winds
Global patterns of cloudiness
Midlatitude cloud patterns
Global patterns of precipitation
Jet streams
Global Circulation on Non-Rotating Earth
single cell circulation (Hadley model)
contrast in temperatures between the poles and the equator creates a large convection cell in both hemispheres.
Global Circulation on Rotating Earth
three-cell circulation: Hadley, Ferrel, and Polar cells
Coriolis effect deflects flow, poleward flows cool and sink
Not all cells are meridional (N-S motion), there are also zonal cells (E-W motion)
For example, Walker circulation is the zonal component of a Hadley cell
this behavior is observed in El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)